Spinning Wheels

A few things have happened since May 14th.

I turned 29. My birthday was May 20th, which turned out to be the most fabulous day. The Chad arranged for me to go to a spa all day. I got there at 10, and went into an hour-long massage, followed by an hour-long facial, then a lunch from Panera (that I had ordered when I checked in and got to eat in a nice, private room), pedicure, manicure, hair wash and dry, then makeup application. Woo!! We went out to dinner with my family to a place called The Bayou. They do New Orleans-style cuisine and have GREAT cocktails. I stuck to a vodka and tonic in an effort to cut down on some of the more sugary drinks. Nothing earth-shattering…but my will power doesn’t have a great track record!

I’ve been settling into the Eat To Be Awesome program, and am really finding it incredibly helpful. We have a private Facebook group, which has been great for immediate questions. Erin (the nutritionist) makes herself readily available. The weekly meetings have been awesome for learning tips and discussing difficulties/triumphs over the previous week. This past Saturday focused on getting the most out of our workouts – what is good about different times of day and what to eat. I feel like sharing all this information here would be a violation of our program…I mean, I do have an ethical standard. I mean, I can give you second-hand information, but to hear it from a highly trained nutritionist who can tailor information to your needs would be so much more beneficial. Though, I will share this…

Typically, Saturday is an early workout day for me. I take a spin class at 7:30, then a dumbbell class at 8:15. I have to leave my house by 7:05 to make it to the gym in time to set up my bike. I’ve been making my morning smoothie (a staple with the Eat To Be Awesome program), and leaving it in the fridge at the gym until after my classes are done. I’ve felt “empty” going into two tough classes that early, so I’d eat a banana on the way to the gym just to have something in my stomach. I learned that my meal from the night before should be enough fuel to get me through those workouts. The extra banana only adds extra carbs and sugars that my body doesn’t really need to make it through the morning. Erin suggested that I take a few sips of my smoothie on my way over to the gym and make sure to hydrate, and I should have plenty of “fuel” to get through my classes and optimize my workout. It kind of rocked my world!

Moving right along…

I also got the opportunity to start teaching a spin class on Sundays! I’m so excited to be consistent on the schedule on the gym, and do a workout that I’ve really been loving. As a die-hard anti-runner, spin classes have been the answer to my cardio prayers.

And most recently….

I was diagnosed with gastritis. Whomp, whomp. I went to bed on Saturday with an upset stomach, and woke up feeling ill on Sunday. No appetite (should I complain?), but then back and chest pain hit Sunday evening. I suffered through school on Monday, then went with The Chad to a Patient First emergency care center. They were quick and awesome – did urine analysis, blood work, and an EKG in an hour and a half. As of yesterday, I was at a 5 lb. weight loss from this little “episode”. Again…should I complain? It’s not how I would prefer to lose weight, but I guess I’ll take it! I’m coming off a sick day today just in time for a field trip hiking with my 3rd graders tomorrow. Oh man…as I type that, I feel the fear building. This could get interesting…

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